IF YOU DISCOVER ANY PROBLEMS WITH THE WEBSITEPLEASE CONTACT IAN - email admin@rally-o.comRally-O - Flash Cards now available100 cards (no Start/Finish/Bonus) with permission of The Royal Kennel Club7th September 2024NAABTS (25 August) ResultsNew dates for December 24 and May/June 25New training group in Lancashire(Greenfield DTC)You may be aware of increases in postage rateswe are NOT increasing our Rallynews subscription rate!6th September 2024Caorryisle DT (3 November) Scehdule & entry Form4th September 2024Newton Heath (8 September) class allocationsShow Diary update - Make-a-splash 23 NovemberBusy Bee (19/20 October) Schedule & Entry Form
IF YOU DISCOVER ANY PROBLEMS WITH THE WEBSITEPLEASE CONTACT IAN - email admin@rally-o.comRally-O - Flash Cards now available100 cards (no Start/Finish/Bonus)with permission of The Royal Kennel Club7th September 2024NAABTS (25 August) ResultsNew dates for December 24 and Mary/June 25New training group in Lancashire(Greenfield DTC)You may be aware of increases in postage rateswe are NOT increasing our Rallynews subscription rate!6th September 2024Corryisle (3 November) Schedule/Entry Form4th September 2024Newton Heath (8 September) class allocationsShow Diary update - Make-a-splash 23 NovemberBusy Bee (19/20 October) Schedule & Entry Form